Friday, March 14, 2014

Officially Going Tiny!:D

So  I want to start out by saying: I learned SketchUp, put my designing cap on, and got down to work yesterday! Two hours later, the house was finished! I will be posting those as soon as I figure out how to, so all of you can see what the house will look like when it is finished! :)
Now, we officially started going tiny today! First step: throw away all of the clothes! Since it is getting warmer, we had to get out our "summer" clothes anyway. When we started, we had two upright dressers PACKED full of clothes, and those were just our winter clothes. We also had a bookshelf with about 40 t-shirts and three boxes full of summer clothes. When we were done, we had pared down to just two dressers full of both winter AND summer clothes, and the dressers are not even packed full like they were before. It is amazing how much clothes you can own and not wear. Honestly, I do feel a little bit "more  free" right now, or at least REALLY happy our bedroom is a little bit less packed.
Second step was to go though everything else and throw stuff away. We really haven't gotten too far on that one, we went through a trunk and a couple of baskets in our bedroom and threw away a big garbage bag full of junk. We had empty envelopes just sitting around. What is wrong with us??

These are the clothes that we are giving away/throwing away (some have rips,etc.). It was enough to fill 2 55 gallon trash bags to the very top. Amazing!

So that's just my little update on what's going on today. Have a great weekend!


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